Monday, September 29, 2014

Dad's Request

Sorry for my absence. I'm still battling my flu and have been taking naps every day. I have a long list of blog posts to read, but haven't had the energy to do so, but I promise I'll blog-hop when I feel more energized. Still no appetite yet. No fever (haven't had a fever in a LONG time), but I still get tired, my head is still weird (every now and then a headache appears), and my body still produces lots of mucus. Yuck! 

Anyway, during my time in Bandung my mother told me a story that I hadn't heard about my dad. In 2007, when my brother was preparing for his wedding, my dad had a stroke and had to be taken to hospital. My brother was stressed out because he and his bride were saving money for their wedding party. We are thankful for my brother's church friends who collected money to help pay out the hospital cost, lightening my brother's burden at that time. 

Apparently after my dad got back home, he wrote a letter to God (literally wrote a letter), saying that if he could just ask for one thing, he would ask for a little bit more time. My dad was going to be 65 at the end of 2007 and he asked God to give him at least until 70 because he wanted to be able to see a grandchild and spend time with him/her.

My brother's wife gave birth to a boy in 2008 and in 2012 my dad passed away a few weeks after his 69th birthday. Prior to his passing, he was determined in talking to as many people as possible in wedding parties and other events that he could participate in (something that wasn't his usual habit). Needless to say my eyes got wet when I heard this story. :-)

P.S. Almost forgot one incident that happened in Singapore airport. We were queueing in front of the immigration counter and near the area there was an old Chinese guy (an airport worker) asking people whether or not they had the immigration form (making sure that each passenger had filled it up). For some reason the guy reminded me of my dad in his old age (it's only natural as they're both Chinese, I suppose) and I started feeling tears welling up. Rest in peace, dad. I love you!


  1. Beautiful photo of you & your dad & your brother.
    Get well soon!

    1. Thanks, Klara! Now I feel more like human again, though I still try to take it easy to make sure I'm fully fit for work this weekend.

  2. That story brought tears to my eyes too. Your dad sounded a very sweet person, and he got some extra time. I'm so glad he met his grandchild.

    I wish you better.
